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Outdoor Classes Starting Friday!

Hi all,

I know that you’ve all been eagerly awaiting an update from CSV regarding training, now that the Welsh government have announced that group training is allowed outdoors. Whilst we’d like to be able to offer the full range of activities that we previously did, that isn’t a possibility unfortunately and we will be offering the following limited 45 minute classes only, until we can reopen indoors:

Monday: 17:00 and 18:00

Wednesday: 17:00 and 18:00

Friday: 17:00 and 18:00

Saturday: 09:00

The location is yet to be confirmed but we are hoping to launch the classes from Friday 17th July 2020.

The classes will be body weight only, as we do not have any space outside the box that we can utilise, to be able to transport equipment with ease. Despite this, the classes will still be fun and challenging and give you the opportunity to train in a group environment.

We know that these classes may not suit everyone and are mindful that there are no morning sessions however, this is the extent of our timetable at present.

The classes are entirely weather dependent, so we will update the Facebook page if we are forced to cancel them.

For those of you who are currently supporting the box, there will obviously be no charge. For anyone else who wishes to join us, each session will cost £5.00.

During classes we would ask that everyone maintains a 2 metre social distance and does not attend if they are unwell or are displaying any coronavirus symptoms:

There will be a register completed at the beginning of each session to ensure that we can comply with ‘track and trace’, so please ensure that you give your name and contact details to the coach upon arrival.

We would like to publicly thank our members for their continued support to date. You have been incredible and for that we will be forever grateful. We know that it’s been a long few months and are hopeful that we are finally drawing close to reopening fully in the upcoming weeks

We look forward to seeing you all very soon.

Dan and Leeanna

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