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Extra Training - Project 10

Hi all,

Anyone who is doing the Project10 Training programme, a group has been set up, if your not on it and want to do the programme please let me know asap.

If you have not yet decided to take part, but you decide to in the future just let me know.

By the 5th of May, anyone not on the programme will be removed from the SugarWod App. If you just want access to the app for the classes and to record your training, but don't want to take part in the extra training then let me know, and ill keep you on but there will be a charge for this at £2.50pm.

All nutritional plans will be started next week where I'll get all your details and goals...... Unless your goal is weight loss then you can start next week as that programme is good to go.

If there is a specific movement, like the snatch, MU's, HSPU's...... that you would like to improve on please let me know.

The fat loss, muscle building or eat to perform plans on there own will be £50 for 6 weeks if you want to do them but not the extra training.

Can all payments please be made to:


Sort code- 09-01-29

Account No- 05562974

Ref- Your name

As with any programme you have to put the hard work in, trust the process as well as enjoy it!

Aim for 4 sessions a week extra, these can be changed about to suit your personal life, some of these you will be able to do at home.

Remember the 1st cycle is building the foundations. Like building a house if you don't get the foundations right the house will fall! There is a method to the madness and a purpose to everything you do, just trust it, ask questions and work hard.

You cant build a castle on the sand!

Any questions just ask.

Ps- If you are still 50/50 let me know so I don't remove you from the app and I will give you more time if needed.

Many thanks


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