CrossFit Shadow Valley 24 hour Charity Workout.
CrossFit Shadow Valley is aiming to complete a 24-hour rolling workout for two charities; SAND and Help for Hero’s. The principle purpose...

CSV will be CLOSED on Sunday 22nd of May due to the South Wales Velothon. For more details and how this could effect you, please check...

CSV Nutrition
Join CSV's Nutrition Group on FaceBook today! Healthy recipes, ideas, nutritional advice, questions.... Search ' CSV Nutrition' on...

Only One Day To GO!
There are still a few spaces left for May's CrossFit On-Ramp/Induction Course tomorrow! Whether you want to get started or have a...

Smmer Time Table and Bank Holiday
Important bank holiday and Summer Time Table updates. CSV’s New Summer Time Table will take effect from Sat 30th. Kicking off with the...

Summer Updates
Summer Updates- Grab a coffee and please read. Hi all, New to the time table from the 30th April. The very popular and demanding S&C...

New Time Table!
New Time Table taking effect from Tuesday 3rd May! Added- CrossFit Teens Barbell Session Stength and Coditioning BootCamp Circuits...

Ab's & Core
Coming Soon For Summer!!!

BIG NEWS UPDATE!!! CrossFit Shadow Valleys April CrossFit Induction/On-Ramp course, will now be held on Saturday the 9th of April, 11:30...

April CrossFit Induction/On-ramp course
NEWS UPDATE, NEWS UPDATE! CrossFit Shadow Valleys April CrossFit Induction/On-Ramp course, will now be held on Saturday the 9th of April,...